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SIRIUS® R2 and R4 are compact data acquisition systems with a maximum of 64 analog inputs, 32 counter inputs, and 32 analog outputs. The DAQ systems feature a built-in high-performance, highly reliable data processing computer and SSD data logger which can optionally be replaced by a USB hub for a connection to an external PC.



SIRIUS® R2 and R4 are compact medium to high-channel-count data acquisition systems. All channels are fitted inside a compact and rugged chassis design. Multiple SIRIUS® R2 and R4 data acquisition systems can furtherly be connected and synchronized together to extend the channel count, even to thousands of channels.



  • 32 analog input channels

  • 16 counter/encoder input channels

  • 48 digital input channels

  • 18 CAN bus input channels

  • 16 analog output channels



  • 64 analog input channels

  • 32 counter/encoder input channels

  • 92 digital input channels

  • 36 CAN bus input channels

  • 32 analog output channels


Powerful SBOX computer built-in

At the heart of the SIRIUS® R2 and R4 data acquisition systems is a powerful SBOXse computer. The computers are powered by an Intel® Core CPU, powerful enough even for the most demanding signal processing tasks:


  • SIRIUS® R2: Intel Core i7 CPU.

  • SIRIUS® R4: Intel Core i7 CPU.


SBOX computer is equipped with 8 GB of memory and is optionally upgradeable to 32 GB. A fast internal SSD drive provides reliable storage for long-term and high-speed data recording.


EtherCAT® expansion port

SBOX is also equipped with an EtherCAT® slave port which can be used to expand and distribute additional analog channels by connecting any of our EtherCAT®-based data acquisition modules such as KRYPTON or SIRIUSe.



If you prefer to connect the SIRIUS® R2/R4 to an external PC then we offer SIRIUS® R2-HUB and R4-HUB data acquisition systems. They feature an integrated USB hub instead of an SBOX computer and stream data directly to an external PC via the USB 2.0 connection.


SIRIUS® signal conditioning technology

Data acquisition systems are built around our world-class SIRIUS® signal conditioning technology and offer the same top-performing technologies:


  • DualCoreADC® technology: high-dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

  • SuperCounter® technology: high-speed synchronized angle and speed measurement.

  • Galvanic isolation: channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground isolation for best signal quality and safety.


Note: galvanic isolation does not apply to SIRIUS mini and MINITAURs instruments.


Available signal amplifiers

SIRIUS® data acquisition systems offer different signal conditioning amplifiers grouped into three main amplifier families.


  • DualCoreADC® amplifiers
  • High-density (HD) amplifiers
  • High-speed (HS) amplifiers


DualCoreADC® signal conditioning technology

The DualCoreADC® technology solves often-faced problems with signal measurement:


  • signal input overload,

  • noise, and

  • artificial frequencies in the signal caused by aliasing.


The input signal can be higher than expected by the signal conditioner (out-of-range) and therefore clipped by the ADC. This will result in an incorrect measurement and will require you to repeat the test all over again.


DualCoreADC technology prevents these problems. Each channel amplifier has two A/D converters that measure the high and the low gain of the input signal in parallel. This results in the full possible measuring range of the sensor and prevents the signal from being clipped. 


Channel-to-channel galvanic isolation

SIRIUS DAQ devices offer high galvanic channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground isolation (±1000 V). The DAQ systems even offer isolated sensor excitation.


SuperCounters®: precise speed and angle measurement with counter and encoder sensors

Dewesoft data acquisition systems utilize a patented and registered trademark technology called SuperCounter®.


Analog outputs

SIRIUS® R2 and R4 data acquisition systems can optionally be configured with analog output channels:


  • SIRIUS R2 up to 16 analog outputs

  • SIRIUS R4 up to 32 analog outputs


Analog output channels can function in any of the following modes:


  • Standalone digital signal amplifier

  • Multi-channel function generator for modal/shaker control - software upgrade option required

  • Control channels

  • A replay of the analog data


Real-time, low-latency data output

We offer an "RT" (real-time) version of SIRIUS® data acquisition systems. These systems include a secondary EtherCAT® data bus on the back side of the instrument. This data bus can be used to output reduced rate data in parallel in real-time to any 3rd party EtherCAT® masters.


The real-time EtherCAT® bus is available on the following SIRIUS systems:

  • SIRIUS® modular EtherCAT®

  • SIRIUS® R2, R2-HUB

  • SIRIUS® R4, R4-HUB

  • SIRIUS® R8


Integrated GNSS positioning with RTK correction

SBOX computers can optionally be equipped with a 10 Hz or 100 Hz GNSS receiver for precise position measurement applications. GNSS receivers can optionally also be configured to support RTK correction (Real-Time Kinematics).


SBOX with GNSS receiver will transform the data acquisition system into a powerful automotive data logger for advanced position-based test and measurement applications such as:


  • Brake testing

  • ADAS testing

  • Pass-by-noise

  • Vehicle dynamics

  • Road load data

  • and others.


Award-Winning Data Acquisition Software Included for Free


Dewesoft SIRIUS® R2/R4 Compact med to high channel count data acquisition (DAQ)

  • High-End Signal Conditioning

    This data acquisition system is built around SIRIUS DAQ technology and features the same versatile and powerful amplifiers for world-leading signal conditioning. See the SIRIUS product page for a detailed SIRIUS DAQ technology overview.

    Powerful and Reliable Computer

    R4 DAQ system offers powerful built-in data processing computer and fast and reliable SSD data logging capabilities for a stand-alone operation. 

    Up to 64 Analog Inputs

    System can be configured with up to 4 SIRIUS DAQ slices for a total of 64 analog inputs for connecting virtually any sensor.

    Up to 32 Counter/Encoder Inputs

    System can hold up to 32 counter/encoder inputs or 96 digital input channels, all equipped with our patented SUPERCOUNTER® technology. 

    High-speed CAN ports

    Systems can accommodate several high-speed CAN 2.0b channels with 1 Mbit/sec data throughput with additional support for CCP, OBDII, J1939, and CAN output.

    EtherCAT Expansion Port

    DAQ system includes EtherCAT master port with built-in synchronization for easy connection and extension of any of our EtherCAT-based DAQ systems like KRYPTON, IOLITE, or SIRIUSe DAQ systems.

    Connectivity Interfaces

    The built-in computer includes modern connectivity interfaces such as Wireless LAN (WiFi), dual gigabit LAN, USB 3.0, GPS/GNSS, HDMI, EtherCAT and synchronization are available.

    100 Hz GPS With RTK

    We can integrate an optional 10Hz or 100Hz GNSS receiver directly into the DAQ system. This enables precise GPS positioning for navigational testing applications. GNSS receivers offer optional RTK support which can improve the positioning accuracy down to 1 cm.

    Software included

    Every Dewesoft data acquisition system is bundled with award-winning DewesoftX data acquisition software. The software is easy to use but very rich and deep in functionality. All software updates are free forever with no hidden licensing or yearly maintenance fees.

    Dewesoft quality and 7-year warranty

    Enjoy our industry-leading 7-year warranty. Our data acquisition systems are made in Europe, utilizing only the highest build quality standards. We offer free and customer-focused technical support. Your investment into the Dewesoft solutions is protected for years ahead.

  • Please allow 4 - 6 weeks lead time for this new product to arrive.

    Comes with a seven year warranty from the manufacturer.

    Contact us for a quote or more information about this Dewesoft product.

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