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MACROTEST G3 is an innovative multifunction installation tester capable of carrying out safety tests on civil and industrial electric systems in compliance with IEC/EN61557-1. Its resistive TFT color touch-screen display, its icon menu, its help-on-line and its user-friendly development make the instrument extremely intuitive even for unskilled users. Its numberless features grant the user a wide range of applications in the world of measurements.

The multifunction installation tester MACROTEST G3 allows saving all measures into an internal memory so transferring the saved data to a PC by means of USB (provided as standard) or built in Wi-Fi interfaces with an iOS and Android smartphones or tablets . The software supplied among standard accessories allows printing testing reports.

The multifunction installation tester MACROTESTG3 also drives the optional accessory IMP57 to carry out high resolution (0.1mOhm) loop/line impedance measurements with prospective short-circuit current calculation. This allows accurate measurements even close to power stations enabling the user to correctly size the protection devices in any system.

Further possible tests consist in checking breakdown current, tripping current, I2t relative to breakers (MCB) with curves B, C, D, K and fuses type gG as well as aM and the percentage voltage drop on the main power lines. The test on earth leakage relay tester RCDs up to 10A (with optional accessory RCDX10) is also possible with the instrument. Through optional clamp model HT96U it is possible to measure the leakage current. The multifunction installation tester MACROTESTG3 has as Optional clamp T2100 permits to quickly check the resistance of earth probes without disconnection from earth system.

HT Instruments MACROTEST G3 Multi/Tester Insulation Resistance 1000V DC

  • Please allow 4-5 weeks for this product to arrive

    This product comes with a 1 year manufacturer warranty


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