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The 435 Series II Power Quality and Energy Analyzer can monetize the cost of energy waste due to poor power quality. Equipped with advanced power quality functions, the 435 II is the ideal portable, power quality tool to efficiently troubleshoot motors and generators, discover the source of intermittent power problems or perform energy studies.


  • Troubleshoot Real-Time: Analyze the trends using the cursors and zoom tools
  • Automatic Trending: Every measurement is always automatically recorded, without any set-up
  • Logger Function: Configure for any test condition with memory for up to 600 parameters at user defined intervals
  • Measure All Three Phases and Neutral: With included four flexible current probes with enhanced thin flex design to fit into the tightest places
  • PowerWave Data Capture: Capture fast RMS data, show half-cycle and waveforms to characterize electrical system dynamics
  • Power Inverter Efficiency: Simultaneously measure AC output power and DC input power for power electronics systems using optional DC clamp
  • Energy Loss Calculator: Classic active and reactive power measurements, unbalance and harmonic power are quantified to pinpoint the energy loss costs
  • Highest Safety Rating in the Industry: 600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance
  • System-Monitor: Ten power quality parameters on one screen according to EN50160 power quality standard

Fluke 435-II Power Quality & Energy Analyzer For Rent

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