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Keithley 2401 Sourcemeter 

The 2401 from Keithley is a 2400 series 200V, 1A, 20W SourceMeter unit (SMU) instrument. It is designed specifically for test applications that demand tightly coupled sourcing and measurement. This SMU provides precision voltage and current sourcing as well as measurement capabilities. It includes both a highly stable DC power source and true instrument grade 6.5 digit multimeter. The power source characteristics include low noise, precision and readback. The multimeter capabilities include high repeatability and low noise. The result is a compact, single channel, DC parametric tester. In operation, it can act as voltage source, current source, voltage meter, current meter and ohmmeter. Manufacturers of components and modules for communications, semiconductor, computer, automotive and medical industries will find SMU units invaluable for wide range of characterization and production test applications.

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