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The 5700A Calibrator is designed to cover the widest portion of today's calibration workload - a wide variety of DMMs from all manufacturers. It delivers direct voltage to 1100V and alternating voltage from 220V to 1100V at frequencies from 10Hz to 1.2MHz. Cardinal point resistances range from 1-ohm to 100 Mohms in x1 and x1.9 decades, including a short. Direct and alternating current are provided to 2.2 A, and frequencies for alternating current range from 10Hz to 10kHz.


In service since 1988, the 5700A has undergone continuous improvements to become the 5700A Series II, one of the most tested and reliable high precision calibrators Fluke has ever produced. Considered the calibration standard worldwide, the 5700A delivers high value as well as accuracy covering 5 1/2 to 7 1/2 digit dmms. 

Fluke 5700A Multifunction Calibrator Rental

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