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PPA4500 – Bench R+D, Motor/Inverter Test


High Accuracy Power Analyzer for a wide range of Applications

The PPA4500 features high speed FPGA/DSP sampling techniques and N4L’s highly respected “Planar Shunt” Technology, the PPA4500 is the result of over 12 years of development. The PPA4500 replaces the outgoing PPA2500 and PPA2600 models, with improved accuracy, color TFT, front USB port and faster processing. The PPA4500 is a significant leap forward in both accuracy and functionality. The PPA4500 is well suited to transformer loss testing, PWM inverter drive efficiency testing, standby power testing to IEC62301/EN50564 and many more challenging applications.


The PPA4500 exhibits the ability to measure fundamental frequencies up to 2MHz, as well as up to 100 Harmonics with the same 2MHz upper frequency limit. PWM Motor drive mode enables the engineer to rapidly setup the instrument to measure complex harmonically distorted waveforms, sophisticated signal processing algorithms facilitate high sample rate (2Ms/s) true wideband (2Mhz) analysis of PWM signals. The PPA4500 utilises parallel digital filtering for fundamental frequency synchronisation without affecting the bandwidth of the measured data.


All PPA4500 units are supplied with UKAS ISO17025 certification as standard, this is performed at N4L in the UK in our accredited ISO17025 Laboratory.


ISO17025 Calibration and Verification

Every PPA4500 Power Analyzer supplied by N4L is provided with both a UKAS Accredited calibration certificate up to 850Hz, as well as a UKAS Traceable calibration certificate up to 1MHz. N4L have developed a number of bespoke power calibrators in order to verify the accuracy of every power analyzer supplied over its entire frequency range, this is surprisingly uncommon within the instrumentation industry. Furthermore, development of an ISO17025 (UKAS) accredited Closed Loop Calorimeter in partnership with Oxford University (UK) has verified the performance of the N4L custom designed power calibration rigs with a very low uncertainty level, providing absolute confidence that the wide band performance of all N4L power analyzers is market leading.


Please contact us for pricing or questions about the available options for this unit.

N4L PPA4500 Power Analyzer DC and 10mHz - 2MHz 50A 1000V

    •  0.03% Basic accuracy
    •  High precision internal shunts Superior accuracy to any external shunt
    • Up to 50 Arms (1000 Apk) & 1000 Vrms (3000 Vpk) direct input
    • High speed sampling on all channels (2Ms/s)
    • 1, 2 or 3 phase versions master – slave mode for 4, 5 or 6 phase
    •  Simple BNC connection of N4L shunts for high current applications
    • Frequency range DC and 10mHz to 2MHz
    •  5 millidegree phase accuracy necessary for low power factor applications
    •  Low current (10Arms), Standard (30Arms) and High current (50Arms) options
    • True real time analysis with no measurement gap
    • Real time Digital, Tabular, Graphic and Oscilloscope displays
    • RS232, IEEE 488, USB, LAN, Torque, Speed and Extension ports
  • Please allow 6-8 weeks lead time for this new product to arrive.

    Contact us at for data sheets or more information about this product.

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